My writing task is a news report about the invasion of the URSS to Afghanistan. Here I talk about the deaths of the Afghans and the Soviets, told what happened in brief words and included perspectives of the Afghan side.
This will be written by an American reporter who is working for a newspaper that talk in great part of culture and history, news reports of wars, and things like that.
I choose a news report as the type of text of the task, because I think that is the better way to show stories of three characters of the book, Amir, Baba and Hassan by showing what they think and because I investigated about the war and I want to show that in my opinion, that was a horrible war for the Afghans.
My writing task is wroten in 1995, season in which Baba and Amir are in the United States, Hassan is dead and the war has finished
The URSS invasion to Afghanistan
In 1978, the Afghan people passed an important part of their lives: The URSS invasion.
17 years have passed since the famous invasion of the URSS to Afghanistan, in which this country as we will see was clearly affected; around 600 thousand of people died during this big war in which the great majority were from the Afghan side. For the Afghans, this was a terrible experience, a great part of them died, another were kidnapped, some of them survived and the lucky and with a good economic situation managed to scape from the country. Here we have witnesses of the situation
Here are two witnesses who, because of their good economic situation, managed to escape there and go to the U.S.A., where they live in this moment, they are Amir and his father "The situation was horrible" said his father "The Soviets were shooting who they saw in front of them, they hitted people for no reason, it was all a big chaos, our only option that we saw in that moment, was scape that hell, so that was what we did, we got in a truck which was going to pass the border. In this truck, were about 15 people with a very good economic situation like me. When we were about to pass the border, a Soviet soldier stopped us and he said that he was going to let us go only if he could have sex with a woman that was there. In that moment, I felt horrible for her so I said that if he wanted to rape her he would have to kill me first and he was going to kill me until the general stopped him and they let us go. Now we live a perfect life here in the U.S.A., at least better than there, I work as attendant of a minimarket and my son, Amir, wants to write stories, I would prefer him to be a good doctor, but well, it his decision" His son Amir, gives his perspective too, who lived this as a little boy "In Fact, it was a terrible season for Afghanistan, I was very scared and I was not understanding very well what was happening, I only saw my dad very worried and explosions in the streets. When my dad, confronted that soldier, I thought that my dad was going to die and I thought the worst of the things, but for luck, he passed that with life as me. As my father said, we are perfect here, my father is happy where he is working and I am planning to write a book and, why not? marring me".
For other side, we have families that didn't have this luck, one of them is Abdel Wahed, a humble Hazara servant, who survived all this war and he tell to us his experience, "I was about to die almost four times in a month, all days were a possible day to be fired. The Soviets abused in a horrible way of their power and killed people because they wanted or because that people didn't do what they said in the moment. A example of that is a man who was a servant Hazara as me and whose name was Hassan, He was taking care of the house of a friend of his ex house holder, because he was sick, and the Soviets entered to the house and said to him that if he didn't live the house they would kill him and he didn't live the house, so they kill him and his wife".
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015
Task "Animal Farm"
I'm here to talk about something, that is guilty of all the great problems that are affecting the farm and it's population and this is the goverment, which is led by the cruel dictator, Napoleon. First, the farm was a pacific place in which all the animals had all the same benefits and no problem was affecting the farm. The first problem was that Napoleon, was changed by the power of being the leader and he started to act as the previous leaders of the farm, the humans. He eats as them, he sleeps where they sleep and he started to pretend being superior than us.
This change of personality in Napoleon, provoked that he started to do bad things and took bad decisions on the farm. For example, he proposed to sell the hens's eggs in the market without asking them. Also, he said that Boxer was going to the vet, but he was taken to the slaughter house, were he was killed. I know that because Jessie told me. Also, he solt great part of our food and he didn't respect some of the principal commandments and he changed some of them to benefit him. For example he didn't respect the commandment of not sleeping in beda. For last, he sentenced Snowball for a wrong reason, because who demolished the windmill were the humans, not Snowball. I know that because I was near there when that happened, so I saw it.
The proposal of taking the control of the farm was improving the conditions of the animals and since these, the conditions have been worste, the previous leader didn't kill us, sell us, nor treat us in a awful way. Because of all these reasons, me, the sheep, propose to remove the current leader and change him for me, a new goverment with good values and I swear to give what all the animals want, equality and good conditions of life.
This change of personality in Napoleon, provoked that he started to do bad things and took bad decisions on the farm. For example, he proposed to sell the hens's eggs in the market without asking them. Also, he said that Boxer was going to the vet, but he was taken to the slaughter house, were he was killed. I know that because Jessie told me. Also, he solt great part of our food and he didn't respect some of the principal commandments and he changed some of them to benefit him. For example he didn't respect the commandment of not sleeping in beda. For last, he sentenced Snowball for a wrong reason, because who demolished the windmill were the humans, not Snowball. I know that because I was near there when that happened, so I saw it.
The proposal of taking the control of the farm was improving the conditions of the animals and since these, the conditions have been worste, the previous leader didn't kill us, sell us, nor treat us in a awful way. Because of all these reasons, me, the sheep, propose to remove the current leader and change him for me, a new goverment with good values and I swear to give what all the animals want, equality and good conditions of life.
viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015
1.- In 18th century and because the government wanted to preserve that culture there
2.- The reservations are in a way ownership of the natives, because only them can enter an the not natives only can enter with the permission of them
3.- Because they want to preserve their culture and stay without changes of the not natives
4.- Yes, because if the not natives don't interfere in the reservations, they can preserve their culture and their traditions without being interfered by the not natives
2.- The reservations are in a way ownership of the natives, because only them can enter an the not natives only can enter with the permission of them
3.- Because they want to preserve their culture and stay without changes of the not natives
4.- Yes, because if the not natives don't interfere in the reservations, they can preserve their culture and their traditions without being interfered by the not natives
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015
My writing task is a news report about the invasion of the URSS to Afghansitan. Here I talk about the deaths of the Afghans and the Soviets, tell what happened in brief words and include perspectives of the Afghan side.
This is spoken by a american reporter who is working for a newspaper that talk in great part of culture and history, news reports of wars, and things like that.
I choose a news report as the type of text of the task, because I think that is the better way to show stories of three characters of the book, Amir, Baba and Hassan by showing what they think and because I investigated about the war and I want to show that in my opinion, that was a horrible war for the Afghans.
My writing task is wroten in 1995, season in which Baba and Amir are in U.S.A., Hassan is dead and the war has finished
This is spoken by a american reporter who is working for a newspaper that talk in great part of culture and history, news reports of wars, and things like that.
I choose a news report as the type of text of the task, because I think that is the better way to show stories of three characters of the book, Amir, Baba and Hassan by showing what they think and because I investigated about the war and I want to show that in my opinion, that was a horrible war for the Afghans.
My writing task is wroten in 1995, season in which Baba and Amir are in U.S.A., Hassan is dead and the war has finished
Kite Runner Task
The URSS invasion to Afghanistan
In 1978, the Afghan people passed a important part of their lifes: The URSS invasion.
17 years have passed since the famous invasion of the URSS to Afghanistan, in which this country as we will see was clearly affected; around 600 thousand of people died during this big war in wich the great majority were of the Afghan side. For the Afghans, this was a terrible experience, a great part of them died, another were kidnapped, some of them survived and the lucky and with good economic situation managed to scape from the country.
Here we have two witnesses who, because of their good economic situation, managed to scape from there and go to the U.S.A., were they live in this moment, they are Amir and his father "The situation was horrible" said his father "The Soviets were shooting who they saw in front of them, they hitted the people for no reason, it was all a big chaos, our only option that we saw in that moment, was scape from that hell, so that was what we did, we got in a truck which was going to pass the border. In this truck, were about 15 people with a very good economic situation like me. When we were about to pass the border, a Soviet soldier stopped us and he said that he was going to let us go only if he could have sex with a woman that was there. In that moment, I felt horrible for she so I said that if he wanted to rape her he would have to kill me first and he was going to kill me until the general stopped him and they let us go. Now we live a perfect life here in the U.S.A., at least better than there, I work as attendant of a minimarket and my son, Amir, wants to write stories, I would prefer him to be a good doctor, but well, it his decision" His son Amir, gives his perspective too, who lived this as a little boy "In Fact, it was a terrible season for Afghanistan, I was very scared and I was not understanding very well what was happening, I only saw my dad very worried and explosions in the streets. When my dad, confronted that soldier, I thought that my dad was going to die and I thought the worst of the things, but for luck, he passed that with life as me. As my father said, we are perfect here, my father is happy where he is working and I am planning to write a book and, why not? marring me" said Amir.
For other said, we have families that didn't have this luck, one of them is Abdel Wahed, a humble Hazara servant, who survived all this war and he tell us his experience" I was about to die almost four times in a month, all days were a possible day to be shooted, the Soviets abused in a horrible way of their power and killed people because they wanted or because they didn't do what they said in the moment. A example of that is a man who was a servant Hazara as me and which name was Hassan. He was taking care of the house of a friend of his ex house holder which was sick and the Soviets enter to the house and said him that if he didn't live the house they would kill him and he didn't lived the house so they kill him and his wife" said Abdel.
In 1978, the Afghan people passed a important part of their lifes: The URSS invasion.
17 years have passed since the famous invasion of the URSS to Afghanistan, in which this country as we will see was clearly affected; around 600 thousand of people died during this big war in wich the great majority were of the Afghan side. For the Afghans, this was a terrible experience, a great part of them died, another were kidnapped, some of them survived and the lucky and with good economic situation managed to scape from the country.
Here we have two witnesses who, because of their good economic situation, managed to scape from there and go to the U.S.A., were they live in this moment, they are Amir and his father "The situation was horrible" said his father "The Soviets were shooting who they saw in front of them, they hitted the people for no reason, it was all a big chaos, our only option that we saw in that moment, was scape from that hell, so that was what we did, we got in a truck which was going to pass the border. In this truck, were about 15 people with a very good economic situation like me. When we were about to pass the border, a Soviet soldier stopped us and he said that he was going to let us go only if he could have sex with a woman that was there. In that moment, I felt horrible for she so I said that if he wanted to rape her he would have to kill me first and he was going to kill me until the general stopped him and they let us go. Now we live a perfect life here in the U.S.A., at least better than there, I work as attendant of a minimarket and my son, Amir, wants to write stories, I would prefer him to be a good doctor, but well, it his decision" His son Amir, gives his perspective too, who lived this as a little boy "In Fact, it was a terrible season for Afghanistan, I was very scared and I was not understanding very well what was happening, I only saw my dad very worried and explosions in the streets. When my dad, confronted that soldier, I thought that my dad was going to die and I thought the worst of the things, but for luck, he passed that with life as me. As my father said, we are perfect here, my father is happy where he is working and I am planning to write a book and, why not? marring me" said Amir.
For other said, we have families that didn't have this luck, one of them is Abdel Wahed, a humble Hazara servant, who survived all this war and he tell us his experience" I was about to die almost four times in a month, all days were a possible day to be shooted, the Soviets abused in a horrible way of their power and killed people because they wanted or because they didn't do what they said in the moment. A example of that is a man who was a servant Hazara as me and which name was Hassan. He was taking care of the house of a friend of his ex house holder which was sick and the Soviets enter to the house and said him that if he didn't live the house they would kill him and he didn't lived the house so they kill him and his wife" said Abdel.
viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015
In general, the movie is very similar to the book, but the book is more complete than the book because it has details that the movie doesn't.
1.- The general idea of the chapter is basically the same, the both shows the same history of the chapter.
2.- The part in wich Assef ask Sohrab to dance is basically, the same, the details explained of the book were literally the same as the movie.
3.- We can see that the conversation of Amir with Assef had dialogues exactly equal.
1.-In the fight of Amir with Assef, the fight in the book was longer and with more details than in the movie
2.-In the book the thinkings of Amir were showed, in the movie they couldn't so is more incomplete
3.-In the book Assef told Amir how his experience of jail and in the movie doesn't
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015
Questions Chapter 12
1.- He's stories were normal and happy ones and her stories were diferents and sad ones
2.- It's described the period when it started to happen many strange things while Baba's case was happening.
3.- He wanted to have his last moment of his life with a Pashtun an he didn't want a treatment.
4.- Because she was more honest, unlike him
2.- It's described the period when it started to happen many strange things while Baba's case was happening.
3.- He wanted to have his last moment of his life with a Pashtun an he didn't want a treatment.
4.- Because she was more honest, unlike him
Task 2
-a We want to have a son and the safest way to do that is with this new technology, "The IVF" so we can select the sex. -s I appreciate your point of view, but I totally desagree with you because when you do this you lose all nature of the situation. -a You are not considering all the benefits, this is the best way to have a family balance with one alongther and a son, and also it is a really modern technology and we can afford it. -d You both are totally wrong, because the child is only a waste of time, money and also a nuisance. -s Also it's very inappropiate to do this because he can be born with malformations in some part of his body. -a As I said before this is a really modern treatment, so it issafer to have a son this way than the natural way, and the sex will be the one we want. -s This treatment is not totally proved and also you feel very wrong doing this because this is ethically bad.
miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015
Task 1
I think that cloning people is a very good idea and can
solve a lot of problems if we do the things right. For this, we would need the
best scientists of the world and a lab with all the sources necessary for it. I
think, that for do this i wouldn’t choose the first person that I can find in a
corner of a Street, I would take the time to find people with a good health, a
very strange type of blood and person
that I consider a good person in the type of ethics. I think is very important
to create a heathy cloned child because I want to be sure that the people I’m
cloning are healthy ones. Finally I want this to be knowed by all the world but
I want to be I and my group of scientists the only authorized to do this.
viernes, 3 de julio de 2015
Chapter 8-9 Kite Runner
Chapter 8
1) Amir gets sick on the way to Jalalabad, because all the people in the van were too noisy and he start to felt dizzy and after, sick
2) Amir said no
3)When Amir and Hassan were in the pomegranate tree reading a book, a pomegranate felt of the tree and Amir asked what would happen if he throw the pomegranate and Hassan didn't awnser. After that, Amir threw the pomegranate to Hassan, who didin't react and Amir got upset
4)A biography of Hitler
5) Rahim said that he almost married a Hazara woman, Homaira, but when he presented her to his family, they didn't allowed and they sent Homaira and her family to Hazarajat.
Chapter 9
1) Rahim Khan's gift was his notebook
2)Amir was grateful because of Ali an Hassan's gift, but he was at the same time sad because he knew the book wasn't for him.
3) He placed his watch and a lot of money under Hassan's bed
4) Because when Baba asked Hassan if he stoled Amir's stuff, Hassan said yes, so he realized Hassan saw all his plan and he was sacrificing for him and he feel bad, because Hassan was doing things for him that he would not be able to do
5) Because they used to watch those tipe of movies in several ocations
1) Amir gets sick on the way to Jalalabad, because all the people in the van were too noisy and he start to felt dizzy and after, sick
2) Amir said no
3)When Amir and Hassan were in the pomegranate tree reading a book, a pomegranate felt of the tree and Amir asked what would happen if he throw the pomegranate and Hassan didn't awnser. After that, Amir threw the pomegranate to Hassan, who didin't react and Amir got upset
4)A biography of Hitler
5) Rahim said that he almost married a Hazara woman, Homaira, but when he presented her to his family, they didn't allowed and they sent Homaira and her family to Hazarajat.
Chapter 9
1) Rahim Khan's gift was his notebook
2)Amir was grateful because of Ali an Hassan's gift, but he was at the same time sad because he knew the book wasn't for him.
3) He placed his watch and a lot of money under Hassan's bed
4) Because when Baba asked Hassan if he stoled Amir's stuff, Hassan said yes, so he realized Hassan saw all his plan and he was sacrificing for him and he feel bad, because Hassan was doing things for him that he would not be able to do
5) Because they used to watch those tipe of movies in several ocations
Chapter 4-5 Kite Runner
Chapter 5
1)A communist attemped in Afghanistan
2) Because he is a neo-Nazi and he discriminate all the people who is different and aren't part of the Aryan race.
3) He admires him and supports strongly his ideas, discriminating the non Ayran race and the Hazaras.
4) Because he felt scared and ashamed of what was going to think and do Assef, so he said that it was only his servant
5) A operation for his appendicitis.
Chapter 6
1) Because he wanted his kite diferent from the other to be special.
2)It is to win the competition, and is for honour because you win the competition and the respect of the people and of their family
3) That was happening when Amir ask him to eat dirt, to test his loyalty and friendship
4) To win Baba's respect and show him that he is useful to something
5)In my opinion no, because he is very poor, he have a very good quality of life and his best friend has betrayed a lot of times.
1)A communist attemped in Afghanistan
2) Because he is a neo-Nazi and he discriminate all the people who is different and aren't part of the Aryan race.
3) He admires him and supports strongly his ideas, discriminating the non Ayran race and the Hazaras.
4) Because he felt scared and ashamed of what was going to think and do Assef, so he said that it was only his servant
5) A operation for his appendicitis.
Chapter 6
1) Because he wanted his kite diferent from the other to be special.
2)It is to win the competition, and is for honour because you win the competition and the respect of the people and of their family
3) That was happening when Amir ask him to eat dirt, to test his loyalty and friendship
4) To win Baba's respect and show him that he is useful to something
5)In my opinion no, because he is very poor, he have a very good quality of life and his best friend has betrayed a lot of times.
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2015
Kite Runner Test Correction
July 17, 1973
Today, is a very special day. It's a day
in which I am proud of my son, of my Amir Agha, he won the kite competition! It's
a very big achievement, for me and for him winning this very important
tournament. Between all the kids which could have won, my son won! It was an
amazing competition, the fifty participants were excellent, all the audience
was shouting "Cut him! Cut him!" and in the moment I saw him, the
only thing that I could do, was clap, I clapped him to let him know that for
one of the few times, he was doing the things right and all his effort, was
having good results. I think, that the things are going to change now; he isn't
only the ugly thing I have to maintain, now he is something useful to this
family. I will start to take him to the zoo, I think I will make a big party
for him with all his friends, I will buy him the bike that he wanted and of
course, I will give him my respects. A thing that I don't understand is why
Amir went back home and I hugged him, he was kind of sad. It is not logical, he
won a very important competition and he had all my respects, I think that he
have no reasons to be sad.
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015
Moodle Tasks

specific race. In my opinion, this is so bad, because they are discriminating a whole race only because of being different, because none of us choose our lifes and our education, so we I think that none of us have the right to discriminate someone else in something like that.

3)The man of the photo is a chinese teacher wich phot I
found in a website. I think that I have almost nothing differences with him,
the differences that I can see are that he’s from another country and he is
from another race, he have another religion. I think that he can fit easily in
our social enviroment, he is a normal person with characteristics very similars
of us, he is very inteligent,I think that, in that case, we should support him
and teach him about our habits and integrate him.
4) In my school I have seen a lot of racist acts and, in my
opinion, these things should not pass any more. One of the racist acts that I
have seen are from some group of boys that discriminate a classmate only for
having a different color skin, especifically black. This boy receive racist
comments almost all days and he never said anything until one day he enrage and
kick in the face the boy who was bothering and the boy who kick the other was
expelled from the school. Althought that is not the better way to react, I
think that is good that the boy defend his rights, but I think that he should
tell his problems to a teacher.
5)Miss Ximena Carvajal: Well, I think that is something
disastrous in a world how is today, that we have to cultivate the human rights,
I think that is fundamental that nobody can be discriminate because of his
origin, sex, age and less because of his race. I found very interesting this
work and I think that a symbol in this aspects is without doubts, Nelson
Mandela, who was a sudafrican president that fought strongly for the end of
this and he was in jail for 27 years because of that but he never stop his
fight. I repeat it, I am totaly disagree with the racism and I hope to this to
end sooner as posible.
6)The movie that I chose is “Mandela: Long way to freedom”.
This talk about the life of Nelson Mandela, a man who is a lawyer and lives in
a country with a racist goverment, so all his life he fight against this unfair
and discriminating goverment system. The racism and discrimination are present
throught all the movie, when the police killed the black people, when there
were spaces only for White people, etc.
viernes, 17 de abril de 2015
domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015
Fairtrade Mark Letter
Pablo Aranguiz Edmundo Eluchans 2255
Blanca Estela Avenue 1355 Con-Con
22 Sunday March 2015
Dear Pablo,
Hello, how are you? I’ m writing you this letter because I want to tell you a thing that I discovered yesterday. I was in The Mall Marina Arauco with some friends and because we were hungry, we decided to visit the new candy shop of the mal. I bought only one chocolate and I calculated that the chocolate was ten percent more expensive than any other chocolate. Then, I saw in the paper a certification label that said was called “Fairtrade Mark”. When I was back home I investigated what was that and then I understand what was that: Fairtrade Mark is a certification label for products sourced from the producers in developing countries. Fairtrade has as purpose, benefit the poor people and marginalized workers by selling products ten percent more expensive and using that money to help them, giving them loans, Works, better education etc. This was created in the Netherlands in the late 1980s, in 1988 in Mexico and 1992 in the UK. For a product to display the Faithrade Mark it must meet international Fairtrade standards whic are set by international certification body Fairtrade Labelling Organisations. You should be thinking, why I am telling you this? Because I liked very much the purpose of this company and I want to make a big change in this world and help these company, telling you these and telling this to all the people posible, so we can promote their products. I want you to tell this to your friends and family to do a big change
Your good friend,
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