miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016


Google is giving us the information that we need in a way so easy that it discourages the avenues of learning, this is information that I read few minutes ago. I think that is totaly corrwct and now I will explain why I think that.

With all the webpages of information for the school that are on Google, we can just search the question that we have on the site and just copy the information that we need without even reading it in ordet to check if is right or not. This does'nt help us to learn so much, instead, if we search in a book we have to read until we find the information, that is what we should do.

Also, the technology is making part of us, because every time technology is becoming more and more important for us and in the moment that the technology has a problem, we would'nt know what to di

In conclusion, I think that we should use more the books, instead of searching all our questions on google.

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